Prenatal Care: Guaranteed Healthy Pregnancy

Congratulations!! Prenatal is a fascinating journey, smooth for some and a bit rocky for others but always full of learning and Your Movement Physiotherapist is here to help.

Most approaches in my opinion are offering a one size fits all approach following algorithm’s and it’s failing a lot of prenatal mothers because they are following symptoms rather than trying to find out what is driving the issue.

prenatal care

For the majority prenatal mothers this approach might be just enough but what if those kegel exercises, Pilates and Yoga poses are just too much for you and it needs to be more specific and personalized to your personal injury history?

We put a lot down to the hormonal changes that you go through during prenatal phase but what if your past lower back pain, those headaches you thought nothing of are now contributing to your symptoms you are experiencing in the prenatal phase?

Not all symptoms are to do with the present day, a lot is to do with what has happened in the past such as medically, surgically, and emotional issues these are not put on hold just because you are pregnant. History tells us that most things happening in the world today is from what has happened in the past.

We as health professionals need to remember this and not just zoom in on current symptoms, we also need to have a zoom out approach and consider the history and how that might affect current symptoms for our prenatal mothers.

There are 206 bones in the body and 11 human body systems and most health practitioners’ focus on one which is the musculoskeletal system core, glutes and predominately your uterus during pre and post natal phase there is more to the body than that and we shouldn’t be looking at this beautiful structure in isolation.

During the pre and post-natal phase all attention is around the pelvic floor muscles and for small percentage of new mothers the Kegal exercises is enough for them to have a smooth post and prenatal pathway.

But what if you don’t need another strength and stretching program or another app telling you to hold your wee or another breathing exercise app?

During the prenatal phase if any of the below occurs please contact your GP or go to A&E please don’t wait to see what happens.

• Experience fever or chills,
• Vaginal bleeding
• Fainting or light-headedness
• Severe pain, trouble moving around
• Fluid leaking from the vagina
• Baby moving less
• Blood in bowel movements
• Nausea or vomiting
• Repeated diarrhoea

pregnancy complications

The growing foetus alters the body’s centre of gravity applying mechanical stress on the body. Laxity in the joints develops secondary to hormonal changes. Compression of soft tissues, bones and joints in prenatal phase makes prenatal mothers prone to musculoskeletal injuries, neurological and metabolic issues.

A couple of conditions which can occur are symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) OR Pelvic girdle pain (PGP)

What is symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) or Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) during pre natal Phase?

Pelvic girdle pain or symphysis pubis dysfunction (PGP or SPD) is discomfort during pregnancy that causes pain, instability, and limitation of mobility in any of the pelvic joints: Sacro iliac joints or pubic symphysis.
PGP is not harmful to your baby, but it can cause severe pain around your pelvic area and make it difficult for you to get around.

What are the symptoms of pelvic girdle pain or symphysis pubis dysfunction during pregnancy.

• Swelling and/or inflammation of joints
• Difficulty lifting legs
• Pain when pulling legs apart
• Inability to stand on one leg
• Inability to transfer weight through pelvis and legs
• Pain in hips and/or restriction of hip movement
• Transferred nerve pain down the leg
• Can be associated with bladder and/or bowel dysfunction
• A feeling of the symphysis pubis giving way
• Stooped back when standing
• Misalignment of pelvic and/or back joints
• Struggle to sit or stand

What to do when you experience pain during prenatal phase

You need to see a health professional and to get a hypothesis of why this has happened. Just saying because you are pregnant is not a good enough reason. It’s a contributing factor yes but most of the time not the cause.

What type of assessment is needed from your health Professional osteopathy or Physiotherapist once you have been cleared by your GP it’s not anything serious?

• Biomechanical assessment (movement analysis) of the pelvis and spine
• movement assessment of the pelvis, ankles, skull
• Review of abdominal separation (rectus abdominis diastasis).
• Assessment of any ongoing postnatal pain (most commonly back, coccyx, sacrum or pubic).

Treatment plan

To address the assessment findings and any personal goals you may have.

Using the right modalities of hands-on treatment either cranial therapy, to soft tissue, joint mobilizations, and movement sequences to help improve body alignment to help address the assessment findings.

Refer to Your Movement Physiotherapist service page to view the different services I use, also read articles below surrender to your prenatal body.

symptoms of lower back pain

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Improve your posture and balance by tracking your movement using Anatomy in Motion activities. It shows you how your feet influence your whole posture and movement.

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A gentle hands-on method that helps realign the body tissues, the bones, fascia, and muscles and helps the body to heal. 

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